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About Me

Hello! I'm Binay - a tech enthusiast, a persistent problem-solver and occasionally an instagram poser - who is currently pursuing a degree in Computer Engineering in order to become closer to becoming one with the computers of 21st Century. Currently exploring the world of web-app and mobile-app development in order find a way to visualize and present my ideas to the world. Pursuing a minor in Big Data Technology so as to feed my curiosity and interest in "Smart" and "Human-Like" computers that has revolutionized how technology works in the 21st Century.


December 2019

Application Developer

Currently working as an application developer at Apptask Limited, Hong Kong. Developed a iOS/Android native mobile application for in-house company product, Evention, from a pre-existing iOS application. Revised and implemented the mobile local database schema for the event management mobile application to reduce redundancy and improve performance using a lightweight embedded relational database, SQLite. Minimised front-end components rendering to improve smoothness and performance.

March 2019

Part-Time STEM Course Instructor

Worked as a part-time STEM Course Instructor at the First Code Academy Hong Kong teaching Basic Circuit and Arduino Programmming using block-based coding platform (MBlock). Conducted lessons in Basic Circuit and Arduino Programming for kids aged from 6 to 9 years old.

December 2018

Software Engineer

Worked as a Software Engineer at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Robotics Team (Robocon Sub-team). Conducted a research and development (R&D) project on Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensor for robot localization system. Implemented and programmed a dynamic position-based autonomous pathing with a developed and robust dynamic navigation system which integrated multiple sensors such as 1-Dimensional sensors and X-Y position encoders. Achieved the fastest semi-autonomous wheelbase dynamic pathing for MR1 for Hong Kong Robocon 2019 with a record time of 39s for the entire compeition and achieved 2nd Runner Up in the Hong Kong Robocon 2019.

September 2018

Technical Advisor and Manager

Worked as a part-time Technical Advisor and Manager in the undergraduate student-initiated experiential learning (USEL) laboratory. Promoted the development of Makerspace culture in HKUST through developing various training modules for workshops for students to use various instruments in the USEL laboratory such as the 3D printer and the foam cutter. Conducted a 3D scanning and 3D printing workshop for all students in HKUST with more than 300 applicants for the workshop. Assisted in ad hoc activities organized at the USEL laboratory and maintained the laboratory instruments.

June 2018

Experiential Learning Advisor Internship

Full-time intern at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in the undergraduate student-inititated experiential learning (USEL) laboratory. Conducted a Research and Development Project on Artec 3D Scanner to introduce and promote its usage in the engineering field at HKUST which was later integrated into Makerspace culture workshops provided by the USEL lab. Developed basic training modules for the 3D scanner which has be integrated into the USEL Lab training module. Assisted in the development of a first-year experiential learning engineering course (First Year Cornerstone Engineering Design Project Course) in HKUST which has been implemented into the course framework. Assisted and managed ad hoc STEM-education related activites for Secondary School Students.


This Group Chatting project simulates the client-server network in the one of the greatest invention of the 21st century, instant-messaging platforms. This project was started to get a basic fundamental understanding of the Computer Network, how computer interacts with each other and practicing socket programming using TCP. This GroupChatting client-server network allows multi-user instant-messaging platform which is simulated using the bash terminal on MAC. It uses the practice of multi-threading in order to achieve this multi-user instant messaging platform. Through this project, a greater understanding of Computer Networking and various different communication protocol was attained. This project was based from the knowledge learnt from the HKUST course Computer Communication Networks and the book "Computer Networking: A Top-down approach" by James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross.

This Tower Defense Game Project was introduced in a Software Engineering Course in order to learn the practices in software engineering. This project was developed using a Desktop Application Java Framework called JavaFx which replicates the Model-View Controller Framework used in many of the mobile application development in the industry. This project was conducted over a period of two months in a group of three in order to not only understand the different components of Software Engineering (such as Unit Testing, Project management, Development cycles) but also apply such knowledge in a group setting. The Tower Defense Game Project follows tower defense subgenre of strategy video game where the core goal is to defend a player's territory or avoid the enemy from reaching a certain territory.
